Creating a Project to Test Dev-Loop

The first thing you need when starting with dev-loop is a project! A project is almost always the same as the root folder of a git repository, but it doesn't need to be. In this walkthrough we'll be working in a project we create ourselves.

To do this let's create a project, let's open our terminal and type the following:

# Create the following directories at the same time:
# `dev-loop-walkthrough/`
# `dev-loop-walkthrough/.dl/`
mkdir -p dev-loop-walkthrough/.dl/
cd dev-loop-walkthrough
echo -e "---\n{}" > .dl/config.yml

This creates a "Bare Bones" project setup for dev-loop. A configuration that defines nothing! If you're to type: dl into your terminal now, and hit enter. You'll see the default help page which may look something like this:

If you see a screen that looks like this congratulations! You've successfully done all you need to do to setup dev-loop!